Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mushroom Tomato with Pork

1. Mushroom- 6 pcs (Cuts half)
2. Tomato- 1 (Slivers8Piece)
4. Pork- Slice (salt: Oyster oil, bureau powder, ground pepper)
5. Garlic- 3 Granulose, (slices)
1. Fry the Garlic with 2 soupspoon of cooking oil, (until turned golden yellow), then join the
tomato together (Frying for 5 min)
2.Deep fried the salt meat, approximately 5 Min.
3.Finally add the slices’ mushroom, again fry for another 5 min.

Japanese Cucumber with shrimps

1. Japanese cucumber - 3 Strip
2. Shrimp- Little
3. Garlic – Fine grain

1. 1 soupspoon of cooking oil pours into the hot frying pan, fry the fine grain garlic
(until yellowish)
2. Join those Shrimps fries them together.
3. Fry the Japanese Cucumber and the Shrimps together. (Joins 1/3 Teaspoon salt).

Friday, October 26, 2007


BiBi – 我的灰色狗狗 , Fatty – 我的黑色狗狗。
昨晚,要领养狗狗 的新爸爸终于杀到来了。
Eason (介绍人)- 告诉我,他朋友想要公的- Fatty。
在帮他们洗澡时,我跟BiBi 说:“你是母的暂时没有人说要你,可是你要跟 阿Fat 说再见了咯!阿Fat 的新爸爸要来咯!阿Fat 走了不要伤心哦!
我也拼命跟 阿Fat 说,“新爸爸要来带你走咯,一定要听话让人喜欢哦!”
怎么知道来了个好像见过的人,他就是 阿Fat 的新爸爸了!他带了黄色的笼子。。。就是这个东西,要用来装狗狗的!
它们都站在椅子上,阿Fat 就是不停地追着 Catty (我另一只米白色狗狗)。。。不停地追。阿Fat 的过动形象或许让新爸爸没有好评。。。怎么知道 阿Fat 的新爸爸最后要的竟然不是 阿Fat, 而是 BiBi 哦!!!
顿时,我心里一下子感觉很酸,因为我并没有预料到被抱走的竟然是BiBi,而且我没有跟它沟通好呢!完了。。。我心里极度内疚,极度伤感 ~ 。。。~
谈了整个小时,终于来到这一刻,Chin要把BiBi 放进笼里了。 可是怎么推,她也不进去。。。
我真的来不及整理心情,就在那时刻,“新爸爸”问我们,:你们舍得把它送走吧?。。。 我的天阿,要我怎么答呢?- - 我的答案竟然简单得离谱,:“就不舍得阿!可是没办法,只有忍痛割爱!”
BiBi 在笼子里面很慌张,有点挣扎。。。
“新爸爸”从口袋里拿了个红包给我们。。。我的反应真的大,立刻说:“不要,我们不是要卖女儿,是希望它可以有个适合的地方,活得更好!” - - 新爸爸最后还是把红包给了我们,他说,风俗本来应该买糖送过来。。。听了后,我也希望BiBi 以后活得健康快乐就收下了。
阿Fat 应该还是想不通,为什么BiBi 会被放进笼子里被人带着走。。。 当“新爸爸”走出门口的那一刻,它追了出去。。。 是我和Chin 把它给拉回来。哼!我那时刻真的难受极了!坐在椅子上,眼泪不知觉地流了出来。。。
而跟BiBi一起生活了2年多的 阿Fat, 当天晚上也哭叫了整晚。。。

Dried BeanCurd with Pork

1. 1 BeanCurd (cubed)
2. 500g Pork, sliced
3. 4 cloves garlic (fine cut)

* Marinate Pork with ½ tbsp Oyster Source, 2 cloves of fine cut garlic and 1/3 tsp of pepper.

1. Fry the Cubed BeanCurd with 3 tbsps of cooking oil until it changed yellowish.
(Drain BeanCurd)
2. Heat sufficient oil and fry the fine cut garlic until it change yellowish.
3. Fry the Marinate Pork for at least 5 minutes.
4. Fry the BeanCurd with the Marinate Pork for 5 minutes.

Fried Lily buds and pork

1. Vege: Kam Cham
2. Button Mushroom (slices)
3. Meat: Pork (slices + sweet con powder + oyster source)
Others: Garlic (small tinny pieces)

1. Put a soup spoon of oil and heat up the frying pan.
2. Add all the tinny pieces of garlic and cook it until turned yellowish gold
3. Add in slices pork and fried together with garlic until the pork meat cooked.
4. Add in Kam Cham Vege and Button Mushroom cook together.
5. Add in 4 soup spoon of water mix with Sweet con powder and oyster source.
6. Fried for about 10min.

Sambal Prawns ~ Yummy ~

Vege: 4 Surface bean
Meat: Prawn
Dry Shrimps (1 rice spoon)
Others: Chilies, Garlic, Ginger, Small Red Onion

a. Cut the 4 Surface bean in slices
b. Cut the Shrimps into tinny small
c. Chilies, Garlic, Ginger and Small Red Onion – Cut into small tinny pieces
d. Prawn 6 nos. – break each prawn into 2 pieces

1. Cook Chilies, Garlic, Ginger and Small Red Onion with 1 soup spoon of oil.
2. Add in tinny shrimps together with the Sambal Mixtured above.
3. Add in Slices Prawns and fried together for 5min.
4. Add in the Slices 4 Surface bean together and cook them for 5 min.