That was a night… and I was so wanted to cook my dinner.
But friends call and they wanted to have an Extreme Fear Factor Action that night… Go for DURIAN!!!
I am not a Durian lover, but still without cutting off their mode, I decided to go enjoy “the scene” with them too. Panda loves durians some times, but we were just had it a week before, so his urge was not so strong…
I prepared my stomach to fill with something before the Durian session, because the rest of our friends going to have Durians as their Dinner that night. I was so confused and didn’t know what to have as easy and light food… Then my brother came home and he cooked his instant noodle nicely, sitting at the sofa and serving with a cup of Milo. He is a BIG BIG EATER. Usually before my dinner done, he will just have a pack of instant noodle to full fill his urge while waiting for my cooking.
Then remind me also my mom always cook the instant noodles and added a lot of extra vege, eggs or meat to serve with. I always love it when I was at home last time… Instant Noodles but it is just More Than normal instant noodle!
I marinated the Beef with Shao Hsing Wine, and fried some chopped garlic with sesame oil. Then have the fresh vegetables. Ohhh… I swear you will love to have the Instant Noodles in this way!
* I swear ~ u will love this!
The King of Fruits~
Go with them for Duriansss… I found out that they are the greatest Durian Eater I ever found in town now!
*You ever see ppl standing there and eating non-stop until their face changed color!? Hahahahaa ~
This Durian Stalls is located at Ampang area, some where between Kosas and Bkt. Indah. Is a small internal Village belongs to Ampang area.
Service is Extremely Good! The boss is from North Malaysia and now staying in K.L. Very kind and honest! We normally have to call and ask him to reserve. So he will have his greatest stocks there to wait for us…
Here the DURIANssss!

Those durians looks so good! I heard that durians are cheap in KL now. Last time I was there, I bought one for rm5. I suppose those pictured are much more than that! In any case, I bet its cheaper than the ukp13 Thai durian I paid for in the UK!
Came over from Hazza's blog. Those durians look gorgeous! And the beefy instant noodles is on par too :o).
I am also not a durian lover. Been ages I didnt take durian but I have a lot of durian during my holiday to Kapit! Too many that me and hubby fall sick! Hahaha! Too heaty for us! Which remind me, I got some photo of pure wild durian....see if i can find and post in my blog!
U ever try eating wild durian? yellowish flesh and the fruit is very torny and smaller than those Thailand durians.
haha... What a combination.
Haven't had a durian for ages now.
Alex's World! -
Oh man, I want some of that durians! Your instant noodle looks delicious with the extra add on.
Love durians. At first, I thought you were having a dish of instant noodles with durians! :O ...something like durian garnish or durian soup that completes the instant noodle meal. That will be weird though.
You are very daring. I understand Durians are delicious but the smell!
I'm trying to figure out how to bring one home!
Hi hazza,
Thnx for dropping by my blog!
Yea~ U r right, is the "season" now and it is going to be end soon. RM5! We can get those too, but no guarantee in return. Those in the pics prices higher... but worth! Guarantee GOOD!
I know prices in UK even "WOW"...gotta import from Asia werrr~
Hi wmw,
Thanks for commenting ... will b more good dishes coming up soon.
Hi rose,
I went to your blog! Kapit one are Shell's sharp!! Bet it would taste good too eh~
Those in my pics are from Pahang leh! All are SeedLess!
Hi Alex,
I took noodles before going for Durian. Not combining together lar! hahaa... but Penang ppl usually serve Durian with Rice! Amazing!
Hi little corner,
Yeaaa... the noodles really lovely! U cannot believe i will not take plain Instant Noodles ~ lol
Hi tigerfish,
Durian garnish or durian soup with Instant Noodles... NO WAY man!
Thats not even weird... is Horrible! ;)
Hi Peter m,
thanks for visiting my blog.
The Smell... they love it becos of the SMELL ;)
Wanna bring it home ~ put it inside a container and rape it over with layerss of raping papers!
That instant noodle dish does sound delicious.
I have heard of Durian but thanks for the in-depth info.
I am yet to try out the sambal, soon though :)
musang?!! slurp!! i darn long time nv eat durian d!!! i miss durian! can cny replace durian wif orange?! hahax
Frankly speaking, durians are really an extreme FEAR factor for me!!
I'd never go near durian:p
My god, I wish I can reach into the monitor and grab those durian. I've been craving for our local durian for so long.
Hi Cynthia,
Thanks for dropping by here again. Let me know if you have tried.
Hi yammylicious,
I bet Durian season going to over soon. May b get durian pan-cake. There's always we can get outside. hahaa
Hi Christy,
I can truly understand your feeling~ :)
Hi I Cook4Fun,
Mouth watering isn't it... there are so many type of Choices here when the season comes. Hope u enjoy even by viewing my posts.
The instand noodles looks yummy with vege and beef. My mom like durian but Dad will sure run away ! I bought durian pancake to mom last summer, Dad kept nagging that I should tell him in advance and pay him a short trip wow, LOL !
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